Brianna's Law - New York State
BOATING EDUCATION IS MANDATORY for power boaters in New York State effective January 1, 2020.
On August 6, 2019 Governor Cuomo signed Brianna's Law, a long awaited boating education bill making it mandatory for powerboat operators to complete a boating course in NYS. This new law is being phased in by age (date of birth).
Current Requirements are that All PWC/Jetski Operators MUST be certified regardless of age. See the chart below to see if you currently need to be certified to operate a powerboat as well.
Brianna's Law enhances the current requirements as follows;
Applies to all powerboat operators:
~Those born on or after 1/1/1993 will need a safety certificate beginning January 2020.
~Those born on or after 1/1/1988 will need a safety certificate beginning January 2022.
~Those born on or after 1/1/1983 will need a safety certificate beginning January 2023.
~Those born on or after 1/1/1978 will need a safety certificate beginning January 2024.
~All powerboat operators regardless of age will need a boating safety certificate beginning in January 2025.
If you've taken an 8hr boating safety course in the past, you're all set. All NYS courses offered by Safe Boating America are NYS Parks, Recreation and Historic Preservation courses and enable the student to have an anchor endorsement on their NYS Drivers License in addition to receiving a boater safety certificate.